Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Blurb on Home

January 13, 2014. Sometime between 7pm and 8pm at Kathmandu Airport.

I am okay. It was my decision and I am okay now. I got what I wanted. Now, it is time to move forward. I am a cleansed soul from all the world evils, all the problems that wreck me now and then, all the pettiness and lack-lustreness: that is what being home does to you. I am embracing all that a month long home time has given me with a firm handle on my emotions. I am not crying because I got what I wanted. 

Family, friends, pet doggies, well-wishers - they were so excited to see me and wish me well. All that support I am taking with me to face other challenges. That is what being home for a month does to you. 

You were missing it so much and now since you got what you wanted, it won't be nice to miss it even more. You'd rather get up and go on and wait for another time and place when it will feel like home. From here on, life will hopefully be roses and butterflies: because being home after so long does that to you

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