Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Reverse culture shocks

So I have moved back to Kathmandu (more on my decision and excitement later). My journey from Qatar to Nepal was memorable in that I was already feeling like I am in Nepal. Here I was surrounded by people coming back. It was nice to see that people were going back. May be just for a little while or may be more, but it told me that people still believe in their country, believe in going back. 

But more eventful are the reverse culture shocks. I had to tell the passenger behind me to not to push my chair with his legs while he enjoyed his relaxed sitting position. Then it was simply strange to be stared at. This happened through the journey and even in the street I grew up in. There are new people in the street. Then there was also that time when my mom took me to distribution queue to put our name on the waiting list for LPG gas. Man there was no personal space. If you try to create one people will probably cut the line and occupy that space.

Then everything at home, well most of them, are smaller, older or more worn. Also, my mom wouldn't let me do the dishes because she feared I would use too much water. 

And, Kathmandu is really cold right now. Without the indoors heating system, I wonder how people manage to get work done. But again, it should be our second name, Resilient.

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