Sunday, March 2, 2014

Maybe someday.....somewhere.....

Why do I have to live ? Why does the world function like this. I want my redemption. I want love in every face. I want the beauty of life. I want to reach out to nature. I want to be free. I want to go away from this humdrum, from this city of zombies. Technology, roads, government, property...why do these matter so much? Why do ads sell technology like it is going to bring back the lost vitality of the earth.

There is this civilization that’s hard to escape. There is physicality and material pleasure. There is a price for everything. I wish there was a pleasure of solitude. I wish our whole lives, our whole world did not depend on us when we try to get out of this materiality.

He has traveled a lot. He has enjoyed the journey. But he has not enjoyed what he has done so far. He wants to be a writer. He wants to be free from the burden of what he has created. I wonder what intrigues him. I wonder if he ever thought like I did. His blood is in me. He is funny but he is stuck. With a life that is lost in the crowd. He wants to be lost in the breeze, in a cool lake somewhere. He wants to get out and rewind. Relive and not worry. I want to be with him. I want to get inside his head and follow his post journey. She can stay with her little one, while him and I sail away and bond like the way we should.

He is also stuck in the old dogma of safety, security, rules, society, and dignity. I wish he lived more. All this time he lived less for me and the little one. And her. She is kind. She lets me be. But she is also stuck. Somewhere in the traditionality the world has locked her into. She yearns but she is satisfied. She yearns more for me and I am thankful she does. I hope she lives with peace. I hope I give her something, if not everything, that will make her calm and spirited and tranquil.

When him and I sail away, will he be able to come back? He has done his part. I can keep staying with him. But will I be able to come back? Yes, I think...I will come back where it is better. I will go where the lake is still fresh, where the breeze says a jolly hello every morning. Where him and I can stay and help out a lost world by being lost in theirs. We will see our loved ones when time needs. I hope they don’t miss us too much. They could visit time and again and we will take them with open arms.

I wish we stayed like this. I wish I could be in his plan. I wish I spent part of my life like this. I will hear all his stories. I will save him from this burden of sickness and dusty
air as I save myself for a while. 

After all, what’s there to life than nature and love?

Inspired by the movie 'Highway' by Imtiaz Ali.....

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