Friday, August 2, 2013

The glory of a kid-dom

I read of some really funny beliefs people had as a child, here

So I have been trying to recall what I believed to be true or false. Here are a few I can think of:

While riding on a public bus, I worried about the people or bike riders the bus passed, thinking they might have been run over by the bus.

I thought Dandelion seeds were flying insects.

I had a neighbor who used to tease me about cutting my ears off. I was scared of him.

Then there are weird or fun things I enjoyed...

Eating left over toothpaste from a used thrown toothpaste tube on the street (and getting caught in action by mom)

Eating “Chari Amilo” growing behind the house
In all its sourness

Holding these leaves between your fingers and blowing at it so that it rotates

Playing dandi biyo in the alley 

Making fortresses in the tori baari (mustard field)

Catching dragonflies at school and comparing who caught the best one 

Once we jumped from the top of our one-storied house onto the drying mustard stack.  It was my brother’s idea.  This was me on my turn: 

Doing this:

Making doll houses from waste cloth strips and wai wai cartons

Couch hurdle race – jumping  from one furniture to another in the living room

During lunch time, mixing everybody’s masala and ghee packet from Wai wai or rum pum to make achar

Playing this game: 
Q or X would be the most fun!

Watching Meena Cartoon religiously

Making these:

I would love to hear your stories!

1 comment:

  1. Aww story of my life!!
    This made me nostalgic.
    Thankyou Miss Frowns!
    Ps. Who is this creepy neighbor?


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